What is SafeTrek?

Do you want to take a stroll without worrying about running into dead ends or unsafe paths? Give SafeTrek your starting point and desired distance, and let it plan the rest. It will find the route with the most sidewalks and return you to your starting point.

How do I use it?

SafeTrek is used much like the Google Maps navigator. Enter your starting point, but instead of an ending point (your ending point is your starting point), enter your desired distance. Your result will be drawn on a map, like the Google Maps navigator.

How does it work?

SafeTrek finds streets and sidewalks in your area using OpenStreetMap data. A routing engine is applied to the map, with safety and distance as key factors and a heuristic that tells the router how and when to return home. OpenStreetMap is again used to display the result.


Effects of Safety Checking
Starting Point: Mount Logan Middle School
Target Distance: Safety Checking: Result: Comments:
2 No Routes on 700 North around dangerous curve
2 Yes Avoids dangerous curve
4 No Routes on 400 North by USU campus with fast traffic and no sidewalks
4 Yes Avoids 400 North by USU campus

Created by Sheri Wood
November 22, 2015